Jeux de fabrication et d'échanges


Dancing Sifaka

SIFAKA LEMURS - Madagascar, The Way They Go

[VIDEO] [3 minutes]

Dance of Lemurs

The sifaka lemurs of Madagascar are skillful and funny dancers and climbers. Sifakas remain upright and use their long tails to maintain balance while leaping from tree to tree with baby sifakas on their backs. Sifaka's body is so highly adapted to an arboreal existence, on the ground its only means of locomotion is hopping. 

In Madagascar’s remote Berenty Reserve, battle lines are drawn as two ring tailed lemur gangs face the mounting challenges of the dry season.  As food and water become increasingly hard to find, and invaders and interlopers start to appear on all sides, life keeps getting harder for the Museum and Ruins gangs.  In this series, there’s drama, danger, and heartbreak for the Gangs of Lemur Island.